Monday, October 20, 2008

Why this blog?

This blog is to help you make SIMPLE SENSE OF THE KEY POLITICAL ISSUES of the day. On the surface, almost any statement can sound good. When taken one step further and viewed with simple logic, we can understand if such a viewpoint makes logical sense for us (for you!) and for our country.

This blog is written with much COMPASSION AND RESPECT. With love for our country. These logical principles apply to every man, woman, and child, of any race or economic position. As Amerians we have much in common, much to be unified about. We want to focus on the philosiphies that have made America a success from the beginning, for this long, for EVERYONE in it; principles based on who we are as humans, that are best for ALL of us.

It is our belief that many good citizens of this country simply don't know what to believe, or perhaps why they believe what they believe. If this is you, thank you for visiting. If you are an undecided voter in this current election, or not sure if voting even really matters, I hope these principles will guide you in making a logical decision.

We hope you'll have an open mind as you read about each topic and gather whether you really think this makes sense for yourself, your family, your country. And then vote accordingly. Never mind the media, social groups, co-workers... it is strong and logical principles we must stand on if we want to keep this country what it was intended to be. There is much at stake: The American Dream.